After a long hiatus, I am back at woodworking. I am stuck in a too-small, too-dimly-lit space for now--the 1 car garage in our rental house--but I have things set up so as to be workable.
Project #1 is to make the "footboard" to turn Henry's crib into a toddler bed. This should go fairly quickly. I hope so--I have given myself a deadline of June 12--his second birthday. I had already cut the pieces for the legs (3 pieces of 3/4 stock each), so I just had to laminate those after planing the center piece to the same thickness as the plywood I'll be using for the bottom stretcher and the top rail. That is done, and they are drilled with the holes and counterbores for the hardware:
What remains is to create mortises for the slats, cut slats to size, put 1/8" roundovers on all pieces, sand everything, assemble, and re-sand and finish. The more I think about it, the more I think June 12 is pushing it. Oh well. It is supposed to storm this weekend, so I might have 5-6 hours to put toward it, with nothing better to do.
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